Gosick Wiki
Gosick Original Soundtrack
Gosick Original Soundtrack cover
Kotaro Nakagawa, yoshiki*lisa and Lisa Komine
Date of Release April 13, 2011
Label Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd.
Produced by Kotaro Nakagawa

Gosick Original Soundtrack is the first of two soundtrack albums containing the background music from the anime adaptation of the Gosick light novel series.


  1. Privy of False and True (偽りと真の枢密)
  2. Resonance Towards Connection (連結への共鳴)
  3. Ranked Chaos (序列されし混沌)
  4. Fate Circling Secret Maneuvers (暗躍と廻る運命)
  5. Scholarship of the "Black Reaper" (“黒き死神”の学問)
  6. Sorter of the Trunk (トランクの仕分け人)
  7. Pulse-Stopping Moment (鼓動止まりし瞬間)
  8. Means of Escape Without an Exit (出口無き血路)
  9. Truth Hidden by Darkness (闇が蔽う真相)
  10. Approaching Shadow of Fear (迫り来る畏怖の影)
  11. Invitation to the Gray Wolf (灰色狼への招待状)
  12. Disaster of Scheme (策略の奇禍)
  13. I Am the Magnificent Inspector (我こそが華麗なる名警部)
  14. Neighboring Incidents (隣り合わせの事変)
  15. Ultimate Unseen Distress (終極の見えぬ危殆)
  16. Fate That Opposes Destiny (天命に抗する運命)
  17. Smile of the Devil (悪魔の微笑み)
  18. That Which is Connected by the Chains of Gold Coins (金貨の鎖が繋ぐもの)
  19. Sweet Relief of Boredom (甘美な退屈凌ぎ)
  20. Seeking the Hymn of Demise (求めるは終焉の賛美歌)
  21. Guidance to a Clue (糸口への導き)
  22. The Golden String which Guides The Chosen One (選ばれし者を導く金色の糸)
  23. Adorable Adventurer (可愛らしき冒険家)
  24. Foolish Outcry (愚鈍の叫び)
  25. Life Within Trifle (翻弄のなかの生命)
  26. Protector Who Does Not Let Go (離すことなきは護るべき手)
  27. Blazing Midsummer (火炎の夏至祭)
  28. Answer At the End of Sadness (哀しみの果てにあるこたえ)
  29. Sleeping in a Peaceful Place (心地よい処での眠り)
  30. Gallant Japanese Youth (勇敢なる日本の少年)
  31. Destin Histoire (TV Version)
  32. Resuscitated Hope (TV Version)


  • Tracks 1-30: composed and arranged by Kotaro Nakagawa
  • Track 31: performed by yoshiki*lisa
  • Track 32: performed by Lisa Komine

